Our scientists and experts produce reports, peer-reviewed papers, interactive tools, and other resources as part of our advocacy. Search or browse our resource library below.
1408 items found
Inside Multnomah County's Climate Lawsuit
In 2021, Multnomah County, Oregon faced a deadly heat dome, where temperatures reached as high as 116F and more than 60 people were killed in that county alone.
Activist Resource
A Path Forward
We know the next four years will be a dangerous time for our country and for everyone who cares about a safe, sustainable, and just future.
Spooky, Scary Skeletons
Jess talks with Dr. Ken Lacovara, renowned paleontologist about the fate of the dinos, our planet, and a revolutionary new museum in New Jersey where the two collide.
Freedom to Move
We need a transportation system that centers the communities it’s meant to serve.
A People-Centered Transportation System
A future with more transportation choices will better serve the people and our communities.
Sea level rise, explained by kids
Young people have a lot to say about how global warming is changing the world.
Cumulative Impacts Policies
In the real world, no one is exposed to one pollutant from one source at a time. Cumulative impacts policies seek to address multiple exposures to pollutants and sources of pollution.
The Community Guide to Cumulative Impacts
This guide is a resource to help protect us from cumulative impacts of pollution—especially in disproportionately impacted and overburdened communities.
Move It, Move It
Everyone needs to get from point A to point B, and Jess talks with urban planner and UCS Director of Clean Transportation Steven Higashide about the latest and greenest in what moves us.
Beyond the Smokestack
By investing in renewable energy, we can directly ramp down gas—and decrease its climate, health, and environmental harms.
Petroleum Phaseout Plan for California
A changing fuel landscape in California will require new rules.
Activist Resource
An Activist's Guide to Radiation and Human Health
Essential readings for understanding the world of radiation, radioactive materials, and the threats they pose to human health